This is a lovely tribute to a Dame–Dame Esther Rantzen. Our UK Readers will know her from her TV journalism work, as presenter of That’s Life! on BBC TV for 21 years, and who was instrumental in the founding and popularization of both ChildLine and The Silver Line older adult helplines. She is also a supporter of Alertacall Ltd., noted when the company was awarded the Queen’s Award For Enterprise: Innovation [TTA 12 May 22].
James Batchelor, their founder and CEO, penned a lovely post on his personal blog to her:
A brief excerpt:
In her association with Alertacall, just as with Childline, The Silver Line, and the around 50 other charities she is involved with, Esther is genuinely invested in trying to change the world for the better.
Esther is the real deal.
Her celebrity may be what catches your attention but it is the fact she works so hard for causes she truly cares about which has made me, and so many others, admire her over the years. I will repeat it again, she is the real deal.
He also lauds her ability to galvanize action through her appearances and communications, listening and leading through example.
If she wants something to happen, Esther will also commit to it entirely. What’s more she will make sure you are committed to it with an equal tenacity, hold you to account and ensure you follow through on your promises.
James notes many other ways Dame Esther has made the world a better place. Please comment below! A “love letter” to Dame Esther Rantzen
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