If your company has not been taking advantage of Telehealth & Telecare Aware, here are some ways to make up for lost time…
Telehealth & Telecare Aware has a highly focused, loyal readership – people who are often at the heart of their local decision-making process. It is the main established independent source of worldwide news in this field and one of the few media to reach them in which you can pay to advertise. The international readership is also growing, particularly in the USA.
1) Paid advertising
There are a number of paid advertising opportunities. Please download our current advertising information sheet (PDF).
2) Telehealth & Telecare Aware news stories
If you have a relevant story, tell readers about it. This service is free as it is part of our commitment to keeping Telehealth & Telecare Aware loyal readers informed.
Some suppliers use this more effectively than others. Least effective is to wait until we pick up a press release or other story. More effective is if you send us your press release. It is even better if it is an embargoed copy in advance so that we can plan posting days to align with the release date. You could consider writing some special, reader-friendly copy on a special landing page on your website for Telehealth & Telecare Aware visitors, to which we can post a link.
Although the news item postings are one-off, and therefore disappear into the archives within about two weeks as fresh stories are added, anything which helps readers remember it – and which helps us give them a better service – is to your advantage. Effective ways to do that are, for example, to offer video links or to create special offers for Telehealth & Telecare Aware readers.
3) Free links
Free links are likely to arise from the news item postings described above.
Reciprocal links from sites to Telehealth & Telecare Aware are appreciated, but there is no obligation to do that. For a graphic and some preferred text for the link, which also explains how to add a feed of the Telehealth & Telecare Aware news items to your site, see this page.
4) ‘Soapboxing’ or commenting
By contributing a suitable ‘thought piece’ on a topic with an element of controversy to the ‘Soapbox’, suppliers can add to their presence. To ensure that the right balance between information/opinion and self-publicity is maintained we reserve the right to exert some editorial control. (Besides, heavy-handed attempts at self publicity will be spotted and resented by readers.)
Do raise your profile by commenting on news items regularly. But note that we do not approve comments which report rumours that we cannot substantiate from other sources. It is better to email one of the editors if you want to tip them off about something.
5) Sponsored Telehealth & Telecare Aware conference blog
This special and highly visible form of sponsorship advertising now has its own page. Click here.
6) Recruitment Advertising
“I have used and found Telecare Aware to be a useful resource for recruitment of telecare professionals. It offers a professional and cost effective service and are able to reach the very skilled people one is looking for. I would recommend it”
Mike Orton MSc. Consultant Telecare and Assistive Technologist
See Jobs Page
Page updated July 2016
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