Look, up in the sky! If you live in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Utah, and Virginia, you might be seeing a Walmart delivery drone sooner than you think. By end of 2022, the DroneUp delivery service will be expanding to 34 sites in six states, including Orlando and Tampa, covering 4 million households. What stores in those states will fill these orders between 8am and 8pm haven’t been disclosed, but Walmart estimates that delivery may reach 1 million packages. They will be limited in weight to 10 lbs, promise a 30-minute turnaround, and the delivery fee will be a modest $3.99. “Certified pilots” will be flying these drones. A side business for DroneUp is aerial photography for city and state governments’ construction projects. Color this Editor skeptical, as she wonders how many packages will be dropped and drones shot at. Also, they need to stay clear of restricted airspace. Walmart release, Epoch Times, The Verge
Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues its foray into healthcare with a prime partnership with Geisinger Health, a regional (PA) integrated health system. They will be transitioning to AWS as their strategic cloud tech provider including their EHR, over 400 applications, plus workflows, after a multi-year review. Geisinger has estimated that post-implementation, they will save several million dollars. Their EHR migration will be one of the largest AWS migrations to date. AWS for Health is rivaled by Microsoft with Teams, Azure IoT, and chatbots for clients such as Humana, plus Google’s partnerships with healthcare giants such as Mayo. FierceHealthcare, Geisinger release
UnitedHealthcare and Kaia Health are partnering for a musculoskeletal (MSK) virtual therapy program. United Healthcare members recovering from surgery or injury will be assessed and referred to the Kaia program when appropriate. These members will then be able to download the Kaia app for physical therapy, tailored to them via “artificial intelligence”. Progress is monitored by that person’s smartphone camera to record motion in real-time and offer suggestions via coaches either 1 to 1 or through the app’s chat feature. At this point, UHG will offer it only to their self-funded employer clients. FierceHealthcare
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