Steve founded the Telehealth & Telecare Aware website in 2005 and was its Editor In Chief until July 2013 at which time he handed over the editorial reigns to Donna Cusano. His only active involvement now is with managing the tech side of the site.
In his original biographical information on the site Steve said: My first career (starting in 1974) was in the NHS as a speech and language therapist but from 1990 I worked for the NHS Cambridge Community Health Unit, as board-level manager for contracting, planning and business development.
In 1992 I became an independent consultant in the UK health and social services sector and I have been self-employed ever since. Between 1997 and 2005 my principal client was the UK Government’s Department of Health for which I managed numerous projects, including the Integration of Community Equipment Services (ICES). In 2004 I also organised the Telecare Policy Collaborative – a major experiment in policy development that brought together over 60 stakeholder organisations and companies. This lead to my continuing interest in the field of telecare and telehealth and I founded Telecare Aware as a news service to the industry in 2005.
Since 2004 I have been involved in online marketing of the Perspector 3D PowerPoint add-in and I have also published two add-ins of my own: Opazity and FillSlammer, and a plug-in for WordPress. My extensive experience of website design and online marketing since 2004 means that I also have expert knowledge in those areas, particularly in WordPress and mobile (smartphone) websites, Facebook business pages and advertising.
I tend to conduct my internet-based activities under the brand SteveHardSoft.
Contact Steve or
phone +44 (0)20 8144 1643 or
Skype: PerspectorSteve
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