An under-the-radar move by Intel-owned Care Innovations, which markets the Health Harmony telehealth and the QuietCare behavioral telemonitoring systems, is their entrance in the behavior change training business.
Care Innovations developed an accredited (CE eligible) training course for nurses to effect behavior change in patient beyond what may be a limited telehealth engagement. According to their release, the training will help them with coaching patients to increase their engagement with their health and identifying areas for improvement, along with the appropriate technology.
The three-hour course work, designed primarily for telehealth nurses but open to all, has three key learning sections:
- Six steps to take to achieve behavior change in healthcare
- Learning four coaching skills: crafting open-ended questions, sharing words of affirmation, demonstrating reflective listening and crafting summary statements
- Discussing the most common challenges associated with acting as the coach, which are avoidance, ambivalence, resistance and compliance.
There are three sessions before the end of the year, priced at a relatively modest below $300 rate, with group discounts. Information is on their website here.
It’s an interesting move in that the training seemingly is not exclusive to CI clients, although this Editor would expect that 1) it would fit best with CI’s system and 2) is a way of cultivating prospective clients in an academic, value-added way.
For CI, it is another association with the ‘intersection of behavior change and technology’ adding to their earlier technology system accreditation (the Validation Institute). For most other telehealth companies, they do not have the deep pockets to cultivate this particular farm (to extremely mix a metaphor!) Also Neil Versel in MedCityNews.
In earlier news, CI also announced an international partnership with Pullach, Germany-based Linde Healthcare for monitoring respiratory care patients with associated chronic conditions. Linde has 1.7 million patients under care in 60 countries. The deployment will take place in the Americas, Western Europe and APAC. No timing or projected patient population was detailed. Business Wire
I could see a use for this far beyond Telehealth Nurses. We don’t have Nurses sitting in on all Telehealth sessions in our location(Ont. Canada). This seems like effective communication skills that could be helpful to a broad spectrum of caregivers, especially those doing it w/o Nursing or other support. It looks like it targets communication strategies, but tailored to healthcare support, possibly including mental health (where there is a gaping hole in service). I would like to present a synopsis of this mat’l to our local hospital & suggest they provide this information as a handout(in summary form) for caregivers to take home after Telehealth sessions. Thank you.
Diana, I would suggest that you be in touch and explore this with the contact in the press release. She is Amanda Marshall, Continuing Education Administrator, at Please tell her that you read about it in Telehealth & Telecare Aware. Thanks.
Okay, thanks I will.