Care Innovations, formerly Intel Care Innovations, formerly Intel-GE Care Innovations, was apparently sold at the end of 2019 to giant drug CRO PRA Health Sciences of Raleigh, NC. This is based on an early termination notice published on 17 Dec 2019 of an FTC pre-merger notification . The notice is interesting as Care Innovations is listed as a holding of Hong Kong-based Essence International Financial Holdings Limited, with no mention of Intel.
It also appears from the website and a quick check on LinkedIn that some of the leadership, such as Marcus Grindstaff, the former COO, has been retained by PRA. And yes, they are still marketing QuietCare (developed by Living Independently Group, this Editor’s employer some years ago).
In recent years, CROs have used remote monitoring as part of clinical drug trials, but this may be the first purchase. PRA’s relationship with Care Innovations dates back to 2017 with a strategic partnership for clinical trials.
The latest iteration of Care Innovations’ Health Harmony is as a turnkey remote monitoring system for COVID-19, to be deployed by employers, payers, providers and health systems to track individuals who may be asymptomatic, exposed or diagnosed with coronavirus. It is designed in three stages: education, quarantine, and in-depth monitoring/care coordination with a healthcare professional. Patients report on a tablet or smartphone vitals such as temperature, heart rate, pulse oximetry and COVID-19 symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and changes in coughing. This information uploads to a dashboard monitored by a clinical call center. Release Hat tip to reader Paul Costello
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