Weekend short takes: ATA, APA call for permanent in-person evaluation waiver, mental healthtech raised $5.5B in 2021, Allscripts sells hospital/large physician EHRs to Harris Group for $700M, Cognizant-Microsoft extends telehealth-RPM

72 groups asking for permanent telehealth in-person evaluation waiver prior to prescribing controlled substances. The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), ATA Action, and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) plus 69 other healthcare groups have written the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make the temporary waiver of in-person patient evaluation prior to prescribing controlled substances permanent, and to remove restrictions on patient location. The rationale is to increase access to care, specifically for mental health and substance use disorder treatment. Currently, under the soon-to-be ending COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), mental health providers can prescribe controlled substances remotely through a telemedicine consult. The letter points out that studies confirm efficacy, clinician and dispensing would remain under current restrictions, and that DEA and HHS can work together to prevent drug diversion. Other signatories include Babylon Health, Teladoc, Zipnosis, One Medical, and Northwell Health. ATA release, ATA/APA letter.

Mental healthtech’s banner 2021 totaled $5.5 billion across 324 international deals. Industry researcher CB Insights found that:

  • Investment was up 139% versus 2020
  • Exits were also up 87% (43 versus 23). Of the 43, there were 35 M&As, five SPACs and three IPOs.
  • US companies dominated in mental health, raising $4.5 billion; EU $651 million, and Asia $289 million
  • Mega-rounds ($100 million+) totaled 15, all US and in Q4, versus four in 2020.

State of Mental Health Tech 2021 Report free download available on the CB Insights page. Mobihealthnews

Allscripts is unloading its declining hospital and large physician practice EHRs to Ottawa-based Harris Group for $700 million in a cash plus contingent deal. The Allscripts EHRs in the transaction are Sunrise, Paragon, Allscripts TouchWorks, Allscripts Opal, and dbMotion. Although the unit generated gross revenue of $928 million in 2021, its revenue was expected to decline 3-4% and EBITDA to shrink 10-15% in 2022. Allscripts is retaining Veradigm, which is growing 6-7% annually, and stated that expected after-tax proceeds of $600 million will be used for share repurchase and potential M&A related to Veradigm. Harris Group acquires and manages computer systems companies in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia covering four sectors: public, private, healthcare, and utilities. It is owned by Toronto-based Constellation Software. HISTalk reports on the Allscripts investor call, Constellation release

Cognizant announced a collaboration with Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare to extend telehealth and remote patient monitoring (RPM) capabilities for their offerings combining remote patient monitoring and virtual health, utilizing connected devices such as smartwatches, blood pressure monitors, and glucose meters to collect and communicate patient health data to providers. Cognizant release

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