Amblyopia, also known as ‘lazy eye’, is a treatable vision processing disorder where vision in one eye decreases for no structural reason. It’s often seen in young children and is generally treated with a combination of patches (to block the stronger eye), eye exercises and glasses–on occasion, requiring surgery–in a process that can take up to two years. In a young child, that is a recipe for tedium. Caterna Vision Therapy, a spinoff from Technische Universität Dresden, has advanced the exercise portion to be child engaging and downloadable through the Apple App Store and Google Play to a PC or mobile device. Caterna claims the exercises also shorten length of treatment. The therapy is CE marked for Europe and in Germany is both prescribable and reimbursable through statutory provider Barmer Gek, fortunate as the cost is €980. It may presage more apps receiving similar treatment. Videos are available in English and German on their home page. Caterna hopes to expand their vision therapies into age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and eye-tracking. eHealth Law and Policy
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