The King’s Fund 2018 Digital Health Congress–call for presentations, early bird rates

[grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”200″ /]The King’s Fund Digital Health & Care Congress, 10-11 July 2018, The King’s Fund, London.  Deadline for project submissions is Friday 15 December. Early bird rates now available!

It’s time again to think ahead! The King’s Fund Digital Health Congress organizers are again seeking the best projects on the adoption of technology in the English health system from those in the trenches, working in health and care. Project themes include:

  • Prevention and improving access to care
    Projects might include: self-care apps; digital access to rehabilitation services; patient access to care records or digital messaging to benefit public health.
  • Cross-sector working
    Projects might include: shared care records, interoperability and data sharing projects or technology to enable place-based working
  • Care design and delivery
    Projects might include: improving the quality and experience of care for patients; ways of engaging clinicians and service users in design of care pathways or using digital technology to change the way care is delivered.

More information on projects, how to submit them, and the presentation format are on their page here. Accepted presenters receive a complimentary admission to the full conference. Deadline is Friday 15 December and notification is Friday 26 January 2018.

Registration and sponsorships for July are open now. Early bird rates are available now through before 31 December, where you save £50. Sponsoring or exhibiting? Email Michael Spencer or call him on 020 7307 2482 to discuss opportunities. Hat tip to Claire Taylor of The King’s Fund for the advance notice. TTA is a media partner of The King’s Fund events (see Leeds upcoming in December–information/registration link at the right sidebar and here).

Categories: Events and Latest News.