Women and eHealth on the international scale: JISfTeH explores

JISfTeH–the Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth–published by the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, has an intriguing issue this quarter that focuses on the international role of women and eHealth, not only as recipients but also as developers, designers and integrators of what they term Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Encouraging a greater role for women in what we more commonly call HIT is the subject of various UN, academic and rural efforts. The articles here are about   programs designed by, implemented and largely for women: the ‘Zero Mothers Die’ global initiative using mHealth to reduce infant and maternal mortality, using video games in structured exercise to prevent depression and anxiety among new mothers in the rural Philippines, telehealth in the monitoring of gestational diabetes (more…)

Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (South Africa)

A heads-up to our readers: a new peer reviewed journal out of South Africa’s University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Department of TeleHealth is the Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. On its second edition, their content (in PDF or HTML formats) seems to be of general interest:

  • Editorial: Would a Rose By Any Other Name – Cause Such Confusion? (defining eHealth)
  • Original Research:
    • TalkMeHome: an in situ evaluation of a service to guide a lost person with dementia home safely
    • Assessing the development process of the eHealth strategy for South Africa against the recommendations of the WHO/ITU National eHealth Strategy Toolkit.
  • Invited Commentary: Telerehabilitation: Current Challenges to Deployment in the United States

The Editors are certainly an international mix: Prof. Maurice Mars, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Prof Richard E Scott, University of of KwaZulu-Natal Director, NT Consulting, Canada; Dr Malina Jordanova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Space and Solar-Terrestrial Research, Bulgaria.