But..there’s more. We’ve been concentrating on the cost of sub-acute care and insurance companies when really we should be leveraging high cost areas such as hospital care. (Which the Eye cannot dispute–but preventing hospital readmissions has been a mantra for nearly five years. And well-designed patient-centered medical homes have impacted overall spending substantially.) And all those startups? They can’t possibly have transformative mojo because eventually they need to ROI, but Big Transformation is long-term and ‘disconnected from the profit requirement’. So we will be staying in a variation of our dysfunctional model, because it is working–as intended. It’s enough to make those who Labor in the Healthcare Vineyards retreat to a Remote Pacific Island after an exhausting 15 years of Digital Health Hope, Elation and Despair…but where’s a similar exposition on Where Do We Go From Here? The Big Disruption That Isn’t Happening In Healthcare
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