Our Eye on Tenders, Susanne Woodman, has alerted us to two new related-to-health-tech tenders via Gov.UK Contracts Finder. These are all closing by end of month. Full descriptions, information on submission, and contacts are on the respective Gov.UK pages:
Health Tech Hub for UWE Bristol. This is a construction project for the Health Technology Hub and lab areas. “The Health Technology Hub vision is to create a national Centre of Excellence in health technologies relating to independent living and home-based diagnostics. The project will involve the creation of new state-of-the-art facilities providing the necessary equipment and skills to support research and innovation in the field.” It is adjacent to the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL) and a University Enterprise Zone. Closing 28 April.
E-health Productivity & Innovation Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (EPIC) – Specialist Programme Consultancy for University of Plymouth. “Creative England wishes to procure specialist consultancy to lead delivery of Business Engagement across the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly area as part of the University of Plymouth led EPIC programme. Business engagement will be delivered via a programme of webinars, events and direct face to face support in the project area.” The EPIC programme advocates innovations in health care practice. Closing 25 April.
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