Thank and Praise thanking wall adopted by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

As in the US we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, when Plymouth Rock landed on the Pilgrims, this is appropriate. Thank and Praise Ltd., a social thanking platform that sets up digital ‘thanking walls’ and thanking books, announced that they were selected by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust to set up a digital thanking wall for their staff. The objective is to boost staff wellbeing and morale, especially with the continuance of the COVID pandemic. Patients, staff friends and relatives, and local people can post, using a simple online form, messages of thanks and cheer such as this (left).


United Lincolnshire is a hospital Trust composed of four acute care hospitals – Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham and District Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital Boston, and County Hospital Louth, serving a population of 720,000. Hat tip to James McLoughlin of Thank and Praise for keeping our Readers posted.