Thank and Praise thanking wall adopted by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

As in the US we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, when Plymouth Rock landed on the Pilgrims, this is appropriate. Thank and Praise Ltd., a social thanking platform that sets up digital ‘thanking walls’ and thanking books, announced that they were selected by United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust to set up a digital thanking wall for their staff. The objective is to boost staff wellbeing and morale, especially with the continuance of the COVID pandemic. Patients, staff friends and relatives, and local people can post, using a simple online form, messages of thanks and cheer such as this (left).


United Lincolnshire is a hospital Trust composed of four acute care hospitals – Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham and District Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital Boston, and County Hospital Louth, serving a population of 720,000. Hat tip to James McLoughlin of Thank and Praise for keeping our Readers posted.

‘Thank and Praise’ to healthcare workers continues (UK)

One of the few bright spots in the low spot of early April was learning of Thank and Praise [TTA 10 Apr]. James McLoughlin of the organization reached this Editor with an update on their social thanking of the ‘unsung heroes’ in healthcare in the continuance of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have a new television commercial out (viewable on YouTube) that highlights the ability of anyone to use their platform to thank a healthcare worker. According to Mr. McLoughlin, “So far we have received 1,000 inspiring messages of thanks which have been viewed over 500,000 on our website and social media channels.” Another feature is that those who leave messages on the Thanking Wall for healthcare workers are also invited to donate to NHS Charities Together. TAP is now also inviting companies to adopt their platform or to participate as sponsors. Find out more here. Also catch them on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

A ‘digital wall’ gives thanks and praise to UK healthcare workers (updated)

In a deluge of press releases to TTA linking every app, service, virtual event, or device to the coronavirus, no matter the stretch, putting this Editor into ocular overload, a message from James McLoughlin at a small company based in Ascot called Thank And Praise Ltd. (TAP)  was a refreshing change. TAP’s social Healthcare “Thanking Wall’ lets individuals thank NHS workers–individuals, groups, or in general–for their work. TAP is primarily focused on both healthcare and education in the UK, including Northern Ireland. Their objective is to be ‘the global platform of thanks.’

I’ll let James, who is their commercial director, take it from here.

TAP (Thank And Praise), a unique social thanking platform, was created in January 2019 to enable the general public to show their appreciation for the unsung heroes in healthcare and education. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, TAP launched a free-to-use Digital Thanking Wall to enable members of the public to post messages of thanks to the courageous and selfless people working in healthcare/NHS and education at this time. Our campaign has resulted in 1000s of visitors to our website to read the hundreds of heart-felt messages, mainly for healthcare workers.

Readers, do drop in and leave a message on the Healthcare Thanking Wall and follow their LinkedIn page. At this Easter and Passover time, I cannot think of anything more appropriate. Hat tip to James McLaughlin. And thanks.
