The seventh of 15 expected academic papers arising from the study of the Whole System Demonstrator (WSD) programme has just been published in the Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. The big takeaway is that local ‘ownership’ of new services DID lead to more collaborative practices across the care system BUT that the concept of whole system redesign around remote care is currently unrealistic. With headings such as ‘Misalignment between vision and enactment’, ‘Wider barriers’ and ‘Whole system working: Ambiguity and diversity’ one can see that the underlying analysis is more nuanced than the main conclusion might suggest. Stimulating whole system redesign: Lessons from an organizational analysis of the Whole System Demonstrator programme by Theopisti Chrysanthaki1, Jane Hendy and James Barlow, all of Imperial College, London is also available as a free 10-page PDF download.
A complete list of the WSD papers, updated as they are published, is being maintained here by Mike Clark, to whom thanks for the heads-up on this publication.
There are 2 missing papers / reports on Mike’s list of WSD outputs:
(1) Bower P et al. (2011) A comprehensive evaluation of the impact of telemonitoring in patients with long-term conditions and social care needs: protocol for the Whole Systems Demonstrator cluster randomised trial. BMC Health Services Research 11, 184. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-11-184
(2) Barlow J et al. (2012) Remote Care plc. Developing the capacity of the remote care industry to supply Britain’s future needs. Report for WSD evaluation.
Thanks James
The first mentioned paper (Bower et al, 2011) is included on the Storify list disguised as ‘WSD Trial Protocol’.
This short list was mainly around the WSD trial itself so I did not include the 7 regional WSD Action Network events, Hull event, WSD Action Network Briefing Papers and newsletters, King’s Fund Conferences etc – hope you didn’t mind that the HACIRIC report was not there!
There’ll be a fuller list when all the papers and DH report are finally published – hopefully soon.
All the best.