The Dispensing Doctors’ Association (DDA) has kindly just drawn our attention to the Rural Health conference which took place last month. The presentations include three extremely positive ones extolling the benefits of health technology implementations.
Perhaps just the most impressive on paper (it’s a very difficult choice) is that by Ann Wagner, Director of Strategy and Business Development at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust. To quote the DDA: “Ms Wagner told GPs that they could reduce home visits and provide patients with instant access to specialist care if they adopted new technology.” Her presentation reads even more impressively, especially slides 5 & 6 – I do wish I’d been there. These are small numbers still (though that hasn’t stopped sections of the health press rubbishing telehealth in the past), however one gets the feeling that Airedale is determined to make a big success.
Having recently heard Ferg give his presentation on how Scotland is using technology to improve healthcare recently, I know that the copy doesn’t do justice to what he has to say to go alongside – as I hopefully put across in my summary of the Telemedicine Conference in Edinburgh last week, Scotland’s telemedicine implementations are hugely impressive, as was his presentation.
The third presentation of note was Dave Tyas’s, describing the mainstreaming by Cornwall of both telecare and telehealth, and the development of Assisted Living for Independence (ALFI) which aims to transform the way care is delivered to people in the community by offering a wider range of services from a single source. Dave is especially passionate as to how the reborn 3millionlives might add great value.
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