North Yorkshire: Cash-crisis NHS chiefs write off telehealth devices

The Yorkshire Post (YP) picks up on the writing-down of the capital cost of the North Yorkshire and York (NYY) telehealth devices, first publicly reported in Telehealth and Telecare Aware [The ongoing cost of the NYY telehealth project exposed] and links the matter to today’s WSD QALY announcement: YP item: Cash-crisis NHS chiefs write off telehealth devices.

It was interesting to note that in its recent press release Tunstall showcases latest innovations in telehealthcare that will shape the future of service delivery Tunstall omitted to cite NYY as an example of ‘successful telehealth programmes…with NHS Gloucestershire, Birmingham City Council, and as part of the TF3 Consortium in Northern Ireland”.

Categories: Latest News.



    The only mention on Tunstall’s entire site for NYY, that I could find, was in Tunstall Telehealth Case Studies.
    ‘This three-year contract was awarded to Tunstall Healthcare and commenced in April 2010. This marked the beginning of what will make NHS North Yorkshire and York the largest scale telehealth project in the UK.’ Quote from said case study.

    Are there any NYY staff that want to comment on how it has been like, what they think went wrong and what it will be like in the coming months? Like me – anonymity is always a nice and safe way of doing it.

    Tunstall also has a Telehealth WSD Knowledge Bank – Latest News section ends in July 2012. Commitment.