The qualifying round of the Qualcomm Foundation-sponsored $10 million Tricorder X Prize has winnowed down the rumored 255 teams to a mere ($5-10,000 paying) handful. And not all of them are named Scanadu–they are included along with 33 others including Smart McCoy (named after ‘Bones’ on Star Trek), Phrazer and Photon Institute. Mobihealthnews has snap profiles of all 34 from Arkansas to South Korea and Aegle (from a Johns Hopkins University team) to Zensor (Intelesens) from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
An incredible 34 teams for the Tricorder X Prize
Aegle, Photon Institute, Phrazer, Qualcomm, Scanadu, Smart McCoy, Tricorder X, and Zensor.
David Doherty
While Scanadu has clearly gazumped the X-Prize competition with it’s social media success story it amazes me that so many of the other entrants are trying to hide under the radar.
What do they hope to gain from that??
Donna Cusano
I don’t know–very few are known to us in the field (e.g. Zensor Steve covered last year). Perhaps they think the prize comes first? Or is it a testament to the funding drying up?