[grow_thumb image=”https://telecareaware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/product-img1.jpg” thumb_width=”150″ /]Give a 15 year old with a cardiologist father a 3D printer and
voilá, you get a stethoscope that snaps on to the back of an iPhone. The diaphragm on the back of the
Steth IO channels the low frequency sound of a heartbeat through a network of tubes leading to the microphone, and an app visualizes and records heartbeat. Data can then be sent to EMRs and telemedicine consults. Suman Mulumudi, the designer from Seattle, designed the first version of the case in two weeks and has now formed his own company,
Stratoscientific. According to
Digital Trends,
the Steth IO is now going through FDA approval.
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