“Wearing a fitness tracker…is so 2013”

So begins the Phys.org article on a stick-on fitness tracker developed by engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern University. Certainly some impressive engineering on display.

Sadly no information is included in the article on how long the tracker stays stuck on, or minor issues like battery life or cost, so I’m not planning on giving up my Jawbone UP just yet. A most interesting development though – one feels it cannot be too long before it becomes implantable and the accelerometer doubles as a power source to top up the battery. Then it will be headline news.

More apparently will be revealed in this month’s issue of Science.

Meanwhile the Vandrico database now covers 195 wearables, a huge rise from the 118 when we first wrote about the database in mid February. Accelerometers are the most popular sensor.

Can the market cope with that level of choice…with Apple still, apparently, to come?

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