One more Prior Information Notice–and Yes, Prime Minister, some Advice (UK)

Our Eye on Tenders, Susanne Woodman of BRE, is proferring one more Prior Information Notice (PIN) via This is for the Suffolk County Council for the management of domiciliary care for the County from Autumn 2019. In the context of providing care, ‘maximising technology’ is mentioned. From TED: “We are looking to engage with providers to help us shape what future services, contract models/processes might look like in the future. If you are interested in being involved in this market engagement process, please contact who will provide further details about future events.”

Susanne has also pointed Readers to the Gov.UK ‘Correspondence’ page. The Council for Science and Technology (CST) makes four recommendations to Prime Minister Theresa May on how technology could help address the specific challenges affecting social care and support. The page includes links to the CST letter of recommendations and the PM’s response.