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Health 2.0 NYC: Healthcare Kickstarter

...a real world problem (Monson) Partnership plays with insurance companies (payers) Understand that this is not a friendly process (Krein) Confidentiality, at least prior to investment, is impossible (Pietri) Overall, there’s a problem in backing of NYC-based healthcare startups (although online doctor appointment scheduler ZocDoc got another $50 million in Series C funding from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner’s DST Global earlier this month.) 2) How do entrepreneurs deal with providers who are ‘stuck in the mud’? These are especially hospitals but can be doctors, payers. Put together a ‘dream team’-people with expertise in business, tech and a designer (Krein) Understand... Continue Reading

Introducing Worcestershire TeleCare video: A guide for Customers (UK)

Editor Steve confesses to mixed feelings about this video. As a communication to customers or potential customers of the independent Worcestershire TeleCare Service, it is excellent: the structure, the pace, and most importantly, the ‘meet the team’ interviews are spot-on. On the other hand it reminds one how much of the UK’s telecare provision promotes the ‘stay-at-home-with-a-pendant’ mentality. It also looks like an advert for a particular manufacturer. Worcestershire TeleCare Service website. 7 mins 41 seconds Continue Reading

GPS tracking with autistic children (US)

Everon We believe we have the most advanced RF/GPS/Cellular solution available globally. The Vega/Urgentys solution has been very successful outside the U.S. and with our recent FCC certifications are available for sale to this market. [i]Scott - I've deleted the rest of your comment as this is not the place for blatant adverts and many of our readers will be well aware of the Vega product. However, if any readers wish to view Everon's Vega information (in English) they can follow this link: [url][/url] Editor Steve[/i] UpNorthAndToTheRight Kids are great. I love kids. I have many (well 3 but feels... Continue Reading

In 2002 there were 49 million cellphones in Africa…and now?

Making the case that mobile phones are the way that people in Africa access the internet, is this 3¼ minute video presentation from the South African Praekelt Foundation. The answer to “…and now?” is in the video, of course! Hmm… And how will people power their phones in the future? Dirt! According to this Gizmag item: Mobile phones in developing nations could charge up using dirt.... Continue Reading

The ATA 2011 virtual conference report

...American Well’s Online Care Suite for video/audio physician-patient consults. American Well taps Vidyo for enhanced video conferencing, Destination ATA. Prior to ATA, Boston-based Partners Healthcare announced they were upgrading its current telestroke program to Vidyo’s platform to create a more mobile, secure network that allows doctors to consult with patients and community hospitals far more flexibly–from the exam room, a computer at home, or a mobile application on the go, as long as they have a webcam and a basic internet connection. And patients would pay out of pocket for the service. Boston Globe On Monday, University of Pittsburgh Medical... Continue Reading

“Give us our damn data!”

This 17 minute video will leave you in no doubt why no one has better patient-empowerment credentials than Dave deBronkart, known as e-Patient Dave online. Dave presenting at TEDxMaastricht. Continue Reading