Heritage Provider Network and UCLA are presenting a $100,000 challenge to developers using open software architecture designed by Open mHealth, a non-profit startup. The goal is to encourage integratable health apps on a standard, open architecture. This is reminiscent of Continua Alliance’s efforts in setting communications standards for networked sensors (ZigBee being one) and devices, and of course there will be questions on the quality and cross-device suitability of the architecture. Registration is due by 15 March, submission 1 May and the award will be made 3-4 June at the 2013 Health Datapalooza IV in Washington, D.C. InformationWeekHealthcare Heritage application
David Doherty
Not sure what to make of this as it’s happening at a time when UCLA is going live with a $500M implementation of EpicEHR:
Donna Cusano--Editor
@ David, am thinking these are quite different, Epic being an EHR and from the wording this applies to clinical and consumer apps.