3-5 November 2013, Foxwoods Resort, Mashantucket, Connecticut
To meet the rapidly expanding challenges and needs of baby boomers, nationally recognized industry experts on home healthcare, aging, and emerging technology will gather for the region’s first-ever New England Home Healthcare Consortium Summit . Seven speakers will share their insights and provide solutions to prepare the industry to effectively address such critical issues as increasing cost pressures, the affects on families and friends, as well as baby boomer demands for expanded care needs, including new technologies. The agenda is here, and largely on aging and care issues although speaker Greg Wellems, CEO of Imagine! in Boulder, Colorado, an organization which serves the cognitive and developmentally disabled, will speak on the role of technology in improving support. The Monday opening keynoter, Alexis Abramson, has also been a fan of health tech since early days in 2006 (she covered this Editor’s former company with one of the earliest major media stories on QuietCare). Website, registration Hat tip to reader Laura Abbott
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