Search Results for ehr implementation

Apple Health, minus the ‘book’, announced

...EHR, appears to be integrating integrating its personal health record (PHR) with HealthKit, “suggesting a framework for getting information collected via HealthKit into patients’ MyChart (Epic PHR–Ed.) app.” Editor Donna wonders if the still-in-early-days Better iPhone health personal assistant app (PHA), developed in conjunction with and backed by the aforementioned Mayo Clinic [TTA 23 Apr], will prominently integrate into Health. (We’ll cover when this develops, as we think it will–but mum’s their word for right now.) In Mashable, the news was applauded by the CEO of leading app MyFitnessPal as a big validation. In his opinion, Apple would work with... Continue Reading

Another Khosla pronunciamento: self-promoting but myopically correct?

...everything, especially when caught in the maze of healthcare. What the doctors and nurse-practitioners carry is effectively an ‘office-in-a-box’: diagnostics, lab sampling, meds and an EHR with the patient’s record. They then help the person maintain wellness through monthly house calls, guidance for caregivers and also to help the patient and caregiver negotiate the labyrinth of insurance, obtaining assistive services/equipment and other providers. Two striking things: the technology, and the crying need both patient and caregiver have for the human touch of the visiting practitioner. That person, while delivering healing and human contact, is also assessing the total picture in... Continue Reading

A kudo for kiosks: HealthSpot Station adds $8 million funding

...end of 2012 at International CES New York. According to their website, their markets are facility waiting rooms, pharmacies, schools, military bases and prisons. Their partnerships have been notable: EHR Netsmart, telemedicine network Teladoc and a co-location arrangement with Canadian pharmacy kiosk MedAvail [TTA 23 Jan]. They are also on the board of the Alliance for Connected Care advocacy group [TTA 13 Feb], which will certainly aid their cause by plumping for increased telehealth coverage by Medicaid beyond the present 20 states and Medicare beyond rural special programs. Yes, they will be at ATA 2014, if you are attending. Mobihealthnews... Continue Reading

HHS draft report on health IT framework published and as such require no additional oversight by FDA. Examples: billing software, inventory management. Products with health management health IT functions. Examples: software for health information and data management, knowledge management, EHRs, electronic access to clinical results and most clinical decision support software. This will be coordinated largely by HHS’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) as part of their activities (including their current voluntary EHR certification program), but the private sector is also cited in establishing best practices. Products with medical device health IT functions, which potentially pose greater risks to patients if they do... Continue Reading

A new analysis of telehealth implementation in the UK

...WSD produced some valuable results with regard to telehealth benefits, including reduced mortality, and was instrumental in the launching of the key government telehealth programme, 3 Million Lives (3ML) in 2011. Last year the GP magazine had carried out a major survey of telehealth implementation in the UK by making information requests from all 176 Clinical Commissioning Groups (or CCGs, a new administrative unit introduced by the current government) under the Freedom of Information Act (a common technique to gather official data). A comprehensive analysis of the returned data (108 out of the 176 had responded) forms a major part... Continue Reading

NHS futures – more encouraging signs of change (UK)

Mark Radvanyi I can share Aimie's presentation with you Charles Lowe Hi Mark, many thanks for emailing it to me. It is certainly worth a read! We are just trying to find somewhere appropriate to put it so we can link to it, to enable readers to download it. Mike Deal How will this link in with the impending publication of the Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) Implementation Plan for 2014-17 ? Charles Lowe Hi Mike, I'm not aware of any direct linkage although I presume that some of those who attended the event will have been involved in the... Continue Reading’s odd swerve into healthcare cloud storage and PHRs

...bunch. Effective tomorrow (21 March), they are moving into the PHR business by providing the file sharing platform (starting tomorrow) for EHR CareCloud, which claims 7 million patients covered. Patients can now download their records to their own Box account and store/share them as needed. The Eye agrees with Neil Versel that this is quite less than it seems–only a fraction of CareCloud’s 7 million patients will ever set up a PHR. They’ve gained little user traction (except in the courts, where not-a-patent troll MMRGlobal keeps companies and countries busy). It remains to be seen if Meaningful Use (MU) Stage... Continue Reading

Encouraging signs of change

...hard to imagine how things could get out of control. If each patient has a single device that generates a monthly dataset (e.g. a blood pressure spreadsheet), that’s over 30 reports per day. Having considered various unattractive options, the final paragraph suggests the need for: …algorithms for interpreting and reacting to information patients’ transmit. There may be a big opportunity here for automated platforms that respond to this data–think an app store within the EHR where clinicians can download tools relevant to their practice. For this to work, we’d need validated, off the shelf tools that are minimally resource intensive.... Continue Reading

Medtronic and Aetna: the good and bad implications

...with Big Medical Device? “Value-based arrangements with companies like Medtronic” (release) make it ‘one-stop shopping’ for payers when it comes to physician relationships, IT implementation, data sharing and analysis. Will the end result be that payers stifle the revenue opportunity for small to midsize innovators by saying ‘don’t bother to knock”? Are these financially and technologically the best solution for the patient and for outcomes? (It’s like specifying only one hip or knee implant for all, and may sound familiar to our UK readers who have been following our recent articles on a certain telecare provider.) Aetna release, MassDevice, MedCityNews... Continue Reading

Reflections on the NHS Innovation Expo (UK)

...CCG since implementation in late 2012. Offering “integration at the point of delivery” for health and social care systems was Totalmobile. Coordinate My Care (CMC), the provider of urgent care plans across London for people with terminal illnesses were showing compelling evidence of £2,102/person savings for the NHS in reduced unplanned hospital/A&E visits and a much-increased percentage of people dying in their preferred place of death. There are substantial development plans for CMC too. Debuting in the UK, and hungry for their first customer, was US-based iCare, who told me they are the only cloud based EHR service. DSS were... Continue Reading