Search Results for david shulkin

Journal starts peer review process–at a price–for mHealth apps

...complemented by consumers/patient experts) for a cool $2,500 per app.” Aside from the price, the lengthy online submission form will give the casual health app developer pause, before running in the opposite direction. IMS Health has had now for nearly one year AppScript, which scores 40,000 apps based on functionality, peer and patient reviews, certifications, and their potential to improve outcomes and lower the cost of care, at no cost to the app developer. Where Happtique went–and failed in certification/curation [TTA 13 Dec 2013]–JMIR appears to be going. Hat tip to David E. Albert, MD of AliveCor via Twitter (@DrDave01)... Continue Reading

Health apps presently of little use, says Australian telehealth expert

...right now paired with wearables they are chronic generators of imprecise data [TTA 10 May] that drowning-in-EHRs-payer authorizations-and-paper doctors don’t want to see [TTA 18 Aug]. To quote from this article, ‘Data qua data does not magically transform, despite the hype.’ Sydney Morning Herald ITPro. Also see the discussion in David Doherty’s mHealth group on LinkedIn (membership required, but you should be one anyway); Mr Doherty and Dr Margelis debate. Certification of apps seems to be moribund for now in the US after Happtique’s failure; there may be hope in the UK where Editor Charles is quite on top of... Continue Reading

Smartphones, wearables are the future says NHS England

NHS England has sketched out the future of healthcare and it will be one using smartphones and wearable bio-sensors to monitor ourselves and alert clinicians. [grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”150″ /]NHS National Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh has written to around 250 organisations across health, social care, industry and third sector asking them to support the Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) programme which he says will take the NHS into this new technological era. The TECS programme, born out of the Three Million Lives (3ML) initiative (which didn’t quite go anywhere after all the song and dance, including from Prime Minister David... Continue Reading

Patients should be less engaged, not more

David Albert, MD This is a complete crock! Donna, you and Glenn should know better. Engaging patients in their care-- let me see- for T1DM, taking blood sugars regularly, adjusting insulin and diet, exercising-- they can ignore those things and die (always the cheapest option). I don't blame patients but, in reality, we all must take personal responsibility for our situation (obese, smoking, chronic illness) and "own it". Obesity is a US epidemic and we can blame fast food or advertising or bad parenting or we can deal with it and help people lose weight. If wearing a pedometer gets... Continue Reading

The NICE way to a long and healthy life

The National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) has produced truly excellent draft guidance entitled Dementia, disability and frailty in later life – mid-life approaches to prevention. As pointed out by David Oliver’s Kings Fund blog, which alerted this Editor to the NICE document, what is particularly exciting about these guidelines are “the principles and linking themes behind them, and the fact that, instead of just advising clinicians, the guidelines include direct advice to the government on health and wider social policy”. Put another way, this document represents a holistic approach to coordinating the principal health drivers for a... Continue Reading

The drip of data breaches now a flood: 4.5 million records hacked–update

...Rights Clearinghouse but not up on the voluntary breach website. Update 20 Aug: Reuters reports that the hackers operating from China took advantage of the ‘Heartbleed’ bug by targeting vulnerabilities in the CHS virtual private network (VPN) used for employee remote access. The hackers used stolen credentials to enter the network and took it from there. The VPN used equipment from provider Juniper Networks. Reuters interviewed David Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec LLC, who last appeared here in his damning Congressional testimony on the multitudinous security flaws of, towards the end of our beating that particular stick into... Continue Reading

Getting sleepy behind the wheel? Your seat will tell (ES)

...the aim of warning a drowsy driver. Data is gathered through a signal-processing unit (SPU) in real time, then sent to a computer program which through modeling patterns of fatigue in these two metrics, determines whether the driver is drowsy. It’s in working prototype save the proactive warning part, which does present a design challenge. (An electric shock? A VC10 at takeoff? Jimi Hendrix or Queen at 80 dB?) It’s appropriately dubbed The Harken Project. A potential life-saver far more useful than Ford SYNC/IMS’s Allergy Alert. Press release. Medgadget Hat tip to reader David Albert MD @DrDave01 via Twitter (!)... Continue Reading

Soapbox: Kicking the ‘Tweet the Meeting’ habit

...audience's live tweets and retweets popped up one after the other in real time on the jumbo screen. Just as quickly, I virtually stopped listening to the poor schmuck onstage who was valiantly trying to engage his distracted audience (all eyes by now glued to the tweetstream). Sigh.... David Doherty Hi Donna, Interesting points but much of this is just down to poor use of filters eg. I think muting users on Twitter would improve your experiences: I think it's worth appreciating that just as there's low quality tweeting there is also lots of good stuff that you can... Continue Reading

Verizon’s ‘white label’ telemedicine service debuts

David Doherty Other than a press release I can't see anything new here eg. Verizon's been trying to see this to healthcare provider organisations for years. Here's a picture of 'Virtual Visits' being promoted on their mHealth Summit from Dec 2012: Donna Cusano Great you bring this up, David. Does this begin to resemble Qualcomm Life and Verizon's seemingly perennial LifeComm band? Continue Reading