Telemedicine’s virtual doctor-patient consults have usually been positioned as computer (and now tablet/smartphone over Wi-Fi–American Well’s announcement earlier this month) driven. Kiosks provide an alternate model for a more detailed visit. The relatively new HealthSpot Station has secured a CMS Healthcare Innovation grant of $12.7 million to place kiosks in partnership with three Cleveland, Ohio hospital systems, including University Hospital and for Cuyahoga County employees through a partnership with MetroHealth. One of the UH kiosks is at the Friendly Inn Settlement House, a social services provider in a high-poverty neighborhood on the east side of Cleveland; visits are free for the next three months for kids between 3-18 (accompanied by a parent). The kiosks have both videoconferencing and telehealth tools, and the visit is assisted by a trained attendant. UH is studying whether the kiosk positively impacts cost of care and Emergency Room (ER/ED) visits. HealthSpot Station has enjoyed strong funding (about $10 million in Series C) but the kiosk system is still limited to a few states (previously mentioned Florida and in their home state of Ohio). The after-hours doctor visit of the future arrives in Ohio via telemedicine kiosks Previously in TTA: HealthSpot, Netsmart ally for telemedicine kiosks Also CNet on American Well’s mobile consults, For $49 a doctor will see you now. Hat tip to reader Bob Pyke, Jr.
This is a real possibility and one which our Collective Care Consortium have been involved in directly. Technology will be its only barrier given how fast this moves, it’s a costly business and similar to the mobile phone companies will be competeing to give the most current facility both in terms of the medical output but also how the units look etc.
Very very big potential for the private market place here and we forsee a handful of companies sprouting up within 6-12 months looking to provide these booths and collate info etc……
There are untapped markets which we are exploring right now and very happy to discuss!!!!