GE Healthcare gets into accelerator biz with five.eight

Having tip-toed around the accelerator action with StartUp Health Academy (GE Ventures), GE Healthcare (GEHC) is taking the full dive in with five.eight, named after the 5.8 billion people worldwide (citation not provided) who lack access to quality, affordable healthcare and need tailored approaches. Up to 10 startups in the initial program will be sourced from four social impact investors – Acumen, Aavishkaar-Intellecap Group, Unitus Seed Fund and Villgro. The five.eight funding will be up to $50 million, with each startup funded up to $5 million. The first startup in the program is Tricog, a Bangalore-based startup focused on improving survival rates in India by decreasing the average time between symptoms and treatment of heart attacks. Of course this ties into GEHC’s business in emerging markets, which is their Sustainable Healthcare Solutions, their “affordable care portfolio of high-value, low-cost technologies and healthcare delivery solutions for emerging markets.” HIT Consultant, HealthcareITNews

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