As some readers will be aware, this editor is involved in organising a range of low-cost, and free, digital health events. Two that should be of interest to all commercially-minded readers are:
On Friday 22nd April DHACA is holding its eighth members’ day at the Conference Centre at 1 Victoria St., this time focusing on customer mapping: how do you identify and contact the right person in the NHS to sell your digital health product or service to? We will have Siobhan Jones, a Deputy Directory in the Department of Health, John Currie a senior procurement manager in NHS England, and Karen Livingstone, National Director of SBRI Healthcare, NHS England, and Director of Partnerships & Industry, Eastern AHSN to help us. However the most important part of the day will be attendees sharing what works & what doesn’t. Membership of DHACA is free (though we do need to make a small charge for refreshments). Do come along – book here.
Then on the evening of the 28th April the London Health Technology Forum is holding an event kindly sponsored by Baker Botts on the assessment & regulation of medical apps. Confirmed for the evening is Julian Hitchcock, a partner in Denoon Legal, who gave a masterful presentation recently at the RSM medical apps event – this is particularly important considering the EU GDPR finalisation and changes expected as the Medical Devices & In Vitro Devices Directives are converted to regulations. Book here – attendance is completely free.
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