[grow_thumb image=”https://telecareaware.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/dispenser.jpg” thumb_width=”150″ /]Teen inventors come up with interesting designs and apps at science fairs and codeathons, but it’s unusual when a 15 year old brings to market an assistive technology product targeted to remote caregiving and socialization of much older people. This is the case with
iC Loved Ones, a smartphone/tablet + independently controlled med dispenser for remote caring. A desktop PC, smartphone or tablet loaded with the iC Loved Ones app remotely controls the dispenser, delivering medications in pre-loaded dishes. A separate smartphone or tablet, which can be positioned anywhere in the home on the provided stand, is used for video chat and virtual visits. The auto-answer setup
means the older person doesn’t need to touch the phone/tablet or have any operating knowledge, just Wi-Fi and a power connection to keep the phone on. It will be available 1 June at $199.99 plus shipping through their website, and there is no subscription fee. The inventor, Brooke Martin, spun it off an earlier invention she and her family developed, iC Pooch, for virtual visits with a dog or other pet and dispensing of treats, and was also inspired by her late grandmother. Her father, Chris Martin, is showing this at ATA 2015 because she’s still in high school and can’t take vacation!
BusinessWire release,
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