Thursday news roundup: bet on Oracle-Cerner closing next week, VA EHR progress reports mandated, Homeward-RiteAid rural care, Medtronic-DaVita kidney JV, Withings reenters RPM, Lightbeam buys Jvion AI

The Oracle acquisition of Cerner will close as early as Monday next week, no later than mid-June. Mid-June is the prediction of Seeking Alpha. They based it on Oracle-Cerner already passing Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board, no questions posed by the UK antitrust authority, and the US waiting period expiring in February. As rumored [TTA 25 May], European Commission regulators approved it today (Barrons, paywalled) which predicts the close will be next Monday. Hat tip to HISTalk for their alert yesterday.

Scrutiny of Cerner’s $16 billion EHR implementation with the Department of Veterans Affairs by Congress ramps up. New legislation due to be signed by the president shortly will require the VA Secretary to submit regular reports 30 days after the last day of each fiscal quarter on the VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program. Content will include spending, performance metrics, outcomes, safety, transitioning from VistA to Cerner Millenium, interoperability, and progress or issues with all. Text of Senate bill, FierceHealthcare  TTA’s previous article on Cerner EHR interoperability problems with DOD and VA

Bringing healthcare to rural America is Homeward with a freshly inked deal with RiteAid. Founded by former Livongo president Jennifer Schneider, MD, Homeward will set up distinctive purple mobile van clinics at up to 700 Rite Aid location parking lots in rural communities starting Q3 this year. Michigan will be the first market. Homeward will accept regional Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare.

The company is targeting the 60 million Americans who live in rural areas and have been losing access to basic medical care as local practices and clinics close. Their technology enablement will be for appointments, checkins, telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and scheduling home visits. Homeward announced its launch at the recent ViVE2022 in March including $20 million in funding from General Catalyst. Other Livongo alumni with the new company are Brian Vandenberg, former general counsel, Amar Kendale, former chief product officer, and Bimal Shah, MD, former chief medical officer at Livongo. Nice to know that they have moved to another healthcare chapter of real need, versus cruising the Caribbean in very large yachts. FierceHealthcare, Homeward release

Medical device giant Medtronic and DaVita are establishing a joint venture by next year to advance kidney care therapies and technologies, including new products to be used in clinics and in the home. The intent of the JV is to increase the availability of kidney care including dialysis. 10% of adults worldwide–700 million people–have chronic kidney disease. 2.6 million have kidney failure. The JV is expected to be formed in early 2023 with each company owning an equal share. Initial investment is not disclosed. According to the release:

  • Medtronic will contribute its Renal Care Solutions (RCS) business including the current product portfolio (renal access, acute therapies, and chronic therapies), product pipeline, and global manufacturing R&D teams and facilities.
  • Both companies will provide an initial investment to fund the new company (NewCo) and future certain operating capital.

FierceBiotech, Medtronic release

Withings reenters remote patient monitoring with Withings RPM. Their initial entry was with MedProCare back in 2019 but apparently in the repositioning of the company since the buyback from Nokia in 2018, it was back-burnered. The new RPM will be based on an app that will:

  • track time for CMS-compliant billing reports and uploadable to the provider EHR
  • support billing for CMS codes 99453, 99454, 99457, 99458
  • a digital patient-facing assistant
  • full connectivity to Withings devices such as scales, blood pressure monitors, and sleep monitors
  • implementation support by their Health Solutions teams

Withings RPM page, Outsourcing-Pharma

Looking hard for an M&A that relates to us in this very quiet market, Lightbeam Health Solutions, a population health software company, is acquiring Jvion Inc. Jvion has AI-enabled prescriptive analytics and social determinants of health (SDoH) solutions which will be combined with Lightbeam’s health analytics and outcomes for payers and providers. Terms of the acquisition and leadership transitions were not disclosed. Lightbeam release

The ‘health kiosk’ idea is alive and kicking from New York to France

[grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”200″ /][Photo: NYP] The $40 million+ failure of HealthSpot Station last year [TTA 14 June 16] might have signaled the demise of the health kiosk (telemedicine + multiple vital measurement devices) concept. Basic stations with consumer engagement/mobile tie-ins such as Higi have been gaining traction at retail locations [TTA 30 Mar] such as RiteAid (which bought the assets and IP of HealthSpot) and Publix supermarkets. CVS MinuteClinics in northeast Ohio and Florida have allied over the past two years with Cleveland Clinic and American Well to integrate records and telemedicine. But the kiosk model is gaining a second life with these recent iterations.

  • NewYork-Presbyterian, Walgreens (Duane Reade) and American Well: Kiosks located in private rooms at select Duane Reade drugstores (left above) connect to NYP OnDemand using American Well telemedicine and Weill Cornell Medicine emergency medicine physicians. In addition to the live consult, the patient can send select vital signs information to the doctor using a forehead thermometer, a blood pressure cuff, a pulse oximeter, and a dermascope for a high-resolution view of skin conditions. Pediatric emergency physicians are available through NYP OnDemand weekdays between 6 – 9pm. Prescriptions are e-prescribed to the patient’s preferred pharmacy. The first kiosk opened this week at 40 Wall Street with additional locations to open in 2018. NYP OnDemand telemedicine consults are also available to NY area residents through the Walgreens website. American Well release, Healthcare IT News, MedCityNews
  • H4D (Health for Development): French doctor Franck Baudino wanted to reach those who live in what the French term ‘health deserts’ in their rural areas. Over the past nine years, he developed a booth-type kiosk connecting to a live doctor and with vitals instrumentation. The Consult Station is fully equipped with a wide range of vitals instrumentation, including vision, audio, eye, and blood glucose, functioning almost as a remote doctor’s office. In France, to gain access, all users need do is pop in their carte vitale. Reportedly the kiosks can treat 90 percent of common illnesses. Prescriptions are printed out in the booth. Consult Stations are now in France, Italy, Portugal, Philippines, Canada, Belgium, UAE and were recently cleared by FDA as a Class II device. ZDNet  

CVS’ bid for Aetna–will it happen, and kick off a trend? (updated)

We have scant facts about the reported bid of US drugstore giant CVS to purchase insurance giant Aetna for a tidy sum of $200 per share, or $66 billion plus. This may have been in development for weeks or months, but wisely the sides are keeping mum. According to FOX Business, “an Aetna spokesperson declined to chime in on the reports, saying the company doesn’t “comment on rumors or speculation” and to Drug Store News, a CVS Health spokesperson did the same. Aetna’s current market cap is $53 billion, so it’s a great deal for shareholders if it does happen.

Both parties have sound reasons to consider a merger:

  • CVS, like all retailers, is suffering from the Amazon Effect at its retail stores
  • Retail mergers are done with the Walgreens Boots AllianceRite Aid merger going through considerable difficulties until approved last month
  • The US DOJ and Congress has signaled its disapproval of any major payer merger (see the dragged-out drama of Aetna-Humana)
  • It has reportedly had problems with its pharmacy benefit management (PBM) arm from insurers like Optum (United HealthCare), and only last week announced that it was forming a PBM with another giant, Anthem, called IngenioRx (which to Forbes is a reason why this merger won’t happen–this Editor calls it ‘hedging one’s bets’ or ‘leverage’)
  • Aetna was hard hit by the (un)Affordable Care Act (ACA), and in May announced its complete exit from individual care plans by next year. Losses were $700 million between 2014 and 2016, with over $200 million in 2017 estimated (and this is prior to the Trump Administration’s ending of subsidies).
  • It’s a neat redesign of the payer/provider system. This would create an end-to-end system: insurance coverage from Aetna, CVS’ Minute Clinics delivering care onsite, integrated PBM, retail delivery of care, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies–plus relationships with many hospital providers (see list here)–this Editor is the first to note this CVS relationship with providers.

We will be in for more regulatory drama, of course–and plenty of competitor reaction. Can we look forward to others such as:

  • Walgreens Boots with Anthem or Cigna (currently at each others’ throats in Delaware court
  • Other specialized, Medicare Advantage/Medicare/Medicaid networks such as Humana or WellCare?
  • Will supermarkets, also big retail pharmacy providers, get into the act? Publix, Wegmans, Shop Rite or Ahold (Stop & Shop, Giant) buying regionals or specialty insurers like the above, a Blue or two, Oscar, Clover, Bright Health….or seeking alliances?
  • And then, there’s Amazon and Whole Foods….no pharmacy in-house at Whole Foods, but talk about a delivery system?

Also Chicago Tribune, MedCityNews.

UPDATED. In seeking an update for the Anthem-Cigna ‘Who Shot John’ court action about breakup fees (there isn’t yet), this Editor came across a must-read analysis in Health Affairs 


higi kiosks get ‘vitamin B’ from BCBS Venture Partners, acquires EveryMove fitness incentive app

higi, the wellness kiosk + consumer engagement program, received an infusion of ‘vitamin B’–as in Series B–from Blue Cross Blue Shield Venture Partners. The exact amount is undisclosed in reports. This adds to their Jan 2016 $40 million venture round (Crunchbase). BCBS Venture Partners is the investment arm of the BlueCross BlueShield trade association, which licenses the BCBS names to insurers.

They also took the opportunity to announce their acquisition of the EveryMove fitness tracker/wellness incentive app primarily marketed to employers. The tie-in is that higi’s wellness program also integrates data from 80 different devices, wearables, and apps, plus the kiosk locations. higi claims 11,000 locations at places like RiteAid, Publix and Stop&Shop; 36 million users, 4.5 million who’ve signed up for a higi account and 200 million screenings. Where they need improvement is the number of sticky users who stay with them over time, which is where an employer-based program like EveryMove fits. Built in Chicago, PRNewswire release

News highlights for Friday

AnthemHealth didn’t encrypt, Blueprint Health collects, HealthSpot funds again, Sense4Baby goes to Europe, Apple Health pilots in hospitals and buddi gets bigger still.

Another hack attack claimed major US health insurer AnthemHealth, the former WellPoint. It’s estimated that 80 million of its customers, former customers and employees had data breached: names, addresses, dates of birth, emails, employment information, income, medical IDs and SSIs. The Wall Street Journal reports that Anthem didn’t encrypt data for analytics reasons. It’s unconfirmed where the hackers originated but Bloomberg’s latest report tags the usual Chinese state-sponsored suspects. Unusually, it was reported within days of discovery; Anthem has called in Mandiant (FireEye) to beef up its cybersecurity. Other reports: WSJ, Modern Healthcare….The Blueprint Health accelerator has a new initiative, the Collective. It is designed to pair up major healthcare providers and payers with startups and early stage companies. So far signed up are Aetna, AstraZeneca, HP, Montefiore, North Shore LIJ, New York-Presbyterian, Samsung, EmblemHealth, Philips and Razorfish Healthware. More information here….The HealthSpot Station telehealth/telemedicine kiosk is readying a $11.6 million funding round from four investors soon, based on (more…)

WellDoc raises $20 million from Merck, others

[grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”150″ /]WellDoc, developer of a prescribable Type 2 diabetes management smartphone app (BlueStar), announced today a $20 million Series A round from Merck Global Health Innovation Fund and Windham Venture Partners. The interest by Merck is understandable in several ways. Pharma companies are moving beyond the meds into other management models as blockbuster drugs become scarce (those cuts in R&D do hurt down the line), operating costs higher and profitable drugs go off patent. Because it is prescribable, BlueStar is reimbursable by US insurers (not disclosed by WellDoc); it is currently offered as a pharmacy benefit by Ford Motor and major drugstore chain RiteAid. In addition to these, WellDoc has developed strong partnerships (AT&T, Alere) since their founding in 2005 (see below). BlueStar also can be considered a strong fit for a Merck subsidiary, Vree Health.  (more…)