In a ‘David v Goliath’ battle on 4th July at the Technology4Good Awards organised by AbilityNet, myhomehelper – a computer-based reminder system for people with dementia – won ‘The People’s Award’ i.e. it was the most popular of 10 entrants voted for by the public. Read the story from the perspective of myhomehelper founder Kevin Marsch here. Information on the awards which may interest others for next year here. Heads-up thanks to Mike Burton, Telecare Coordinator, Hull City Council.
MyHomeHelper up for an award (UK)
MyHomeHelper, a product for dementia clients to stay independent in their own homes, beat off competition from over 200 nominations to become one of three products selected as a finalist at this year’s Technology4Good awards. They are up against some big companies such as Barclays Bank and would appreciate votes for them on that page and, as tweets count in addition, they are also hoping for tweets about them using hashtag: #T4GMyHomeHelper.
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