International Summer School Integrated Care (ISSIC) 27 June – 01 July

The International Summer School on Integrated Care, “Integrated Care in Theory and Practice” is organised by the International Foundation for Integrated Care’s Integrated Care Academy©. It will run from 27 June – 01 July at Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK.

It will provide a week of intensive training on theory and practice of integrated care. It is aimed at health and social care professionals, clinicians, researchers and managers who want to strengthen their understanding of integrated care, get a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in theory & practice, and hone their competencies in analyzing, designing, evaluating and practising integrated care.

It is eligible for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) or Continuous Medical Education (CME) credits for professionals and managers. (more…)

Integrated care – how can technology help? (+ earn 12 CPD points)

There has been a recent rush to book for the Royal Society of Medicine’s two day conference entitled “Integrated Care- how can technology help” on 24th & 25th November, so we are featuring it one more time, especially as it looks to be only one of two health & care technology events this autumn that also offers CPD points (the other is the TSA conference next week).

With a wide range of speakers from across the world, including Adam Darkins (ex VHA, now Medtronics), Robert Wah (President, American Medical Association) as well the UK’s very own Cathy Hassell and Tim Kelsey,  this conference will explore the many ways in which technology can assist in the effective delivery of integrated care to improve patient outcomes, at reduced cost.

The event will cover all the principal care disciplines which so often end up failing to work together to deliver holistic care: primary care, secondary care, mental health, social care and third sector engagement. Even within each of these areas, coordinating care can be challenging when people have to rely on paper and word of mouth to communicate. Technology offers a way of (more…)

Integrated care – how can technology help? Royal Society of Medicine 24 & 25 November

This year the Royal Society of Medicine’s Telemedicine & eHealth Section’s conference, on 24th & 25th November, is on how technology can support integrated care.

The conference will be opened by Cathy Hassell, Deputy Director, Quality Programmes, NHS England, who manages the NHS Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) programme

Other keynote speakers include:

Tim Kelsey, National Director for Patients and Information, NHS

Dr Robert Wah, President, American Medical Association

Adam Darkins, Chief Consultant in Care Coordination Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, US

There is a superb line-up of speakers to inform you about the many aspects of using technology to support the effective and efficient delivery of care services. These range from practical integrated care implementations such as that underway in Bradford (presented by Cath Doman) and Airedale (presented by Anne Wagner), through the use of innovative technology such as (more…)

Annual SIHI conference “Informatics to deliver integrated care” 10th September

If perchance in spite of our previous set of suggestions, you still aren’t booked for an event on the 10th September, why not whizz down to the University of Portsmouth’s annual SIHI conference, this year entitled “Informatics to deliver integrated care”?

Booking costs a mere £95 and is here. Last year’s event, on Big Data was exceptionally good; looking at the array of excellent speakers, it will clearly be another brilliant event.

I am just so sorry I am already committed for that date.

Medvivo comes of age (UK)

A year after this editor began his three year stint with Telehealth Solutions, we had a corporate near-death experience, as money got very tight waiting for that first big telehealth order (thankfully it came, courtesy of NHS Norfolk). In those days of reduced salaries, and few employees, we could only dream of becoming a full service remote healthcare monitoring organisation.

This week’s announcement of the acquisition of Magna Careline shows how things have changed in just five years. After being acquired by Moonray Investors, (more…)

Mapping assisted living and integrated care & support work in the UK

We don’t normally draw readers’ attention these days to items of news unless we have a comment to make, as Twitter, and most notably Mike Clark’s excellent & timely tweets (@clarkmike), fulfils that role well.

However the Assisted Living Capability Map is just so good it perhaps merits an extra mention to readers. Click on any region on the map and it will give you details of all assisted living activities in that region known to the HealthTech and Medicines KTN.

The same is true of the Integrated Care & Support exchange (ICASE) map with shows integrated care & support pioneers, initiatives & case study exemplars. It is not, sadly, designed with the 10% of men who struggle with red/green colour blindness in mind, although that’s a small criticism of an excellent piece of work.