This year the RSM kicks off with Recent developments in digital health on 27th February, in association with the Royal Academy of Engineering. This event aims to update attendees on all the latest advances in the field of digital health that will affect care delivery. Perhaps the highlight of the day will be the demonstration of a smartphone that, on its own, can measure a person’s systolic and diastolic blood pressures, pulse, blood oxygen saturation, respiration and temperature – as this is a facility that will appear on the next generation of smartphones, the discussion on how app developers and the medical profession will respond will be particularly interesting. In addition there will be presentations by leading thinkers in the field on topics like big data, mHealth, medical apps, point-of-care-testing, genomic technology, evidence gathering and NHS England’s digital priorities.
Another event, that sold out early last year, is our medical apps day, this year on 10th April, entitled Playing games, using apps, promoting wellbeing. Again, we have a great array of top-class speakers covering both the practical issues of what regulation impacts apps development & provision, how the various organisations in this field inter-work, how best to evidence benefits, app curation, & such like, and examples of apps, including what is believed to be the first to achieve a CE certification. The event will include an interactive discussion on medical app assessment criteria, led by Prof Jeremy Wyatt, which is your opportunity to influence how medical apps will be assessed in the UK.
Another event, which will hopefully be opened for booking very soon will be on big (health) data, scheduled for June 5th.
Finally the Telemedicine & Ophthalmology Sections have come together to put on an evening event on 13th March covering health-related eLearning, and a selection of sight-related technologies. The evening will close with a presentation by a senior Samsung executive on that company’s strategy for mHealth, including their responses to recent Google & Apple announcements.
As many will be aware, the RSM is a charity dedicated to promoting medical education and the advancement of medical practice. All speakers are kindly giving of their time without charge so whilst the quality of presentation is outstanding, compared with commercial events attendance at these events is extremely reasonably priced (indeed, for the 13th March event, RSM members go free). As we have not been able to secure a larger room for these events than last year, and as bookings are already strong, the likelihood is that some or all will sell out well before their due date, so early booking is encouraged.
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