Search Results for IBM Watson

Continua’s ‘garden of wonders’ at CES: 5 videos

For your weekend viewing: 1) RTT News interviews Jonathan Linkous of the American Telemedicine Association on how technology and healthcare are converging (4 mins) 2) Larry Chu interviews Chuck Parker, Executive Director of Continua about the alliance, for HCPlive. (7 mins) 3) Tech journo Scott Mace visits the Continua Alliance booth at CES last week–the ‘child’s garden of wonders’ we referred to. The video quality is only fair, but Mr Mace lets the demos speak for themselves. You’ll also get an idea of the Digital Health part of the expo floor. This one includes IBM demonstrating the ‘end-to-end’ solution including... Continue Reading

Healthcare highlights at International CES their booth. They are demonstrating ‘the first end-to-end connected health solution based on the Continua architecture’: Nonin Medical’s wireless Bluetooth pulse oximeter sends data to a PC manager running Vignet’s Connected Health Services platform (debuting at CES-release) which is then uploaded to an IBM server. But…there’s more: A&D Medical (blood pressure and weight–see recent story on Halo partnership), Lamprey Networks, PDT, Renesas Technology, Tunstall Healthcare (Telehealth Platform–see below–and Connect) and ZyXEL are also demonstrating in the Continua booth. Continua’s release and press advisory. [Donna Cusano update 7 January] Live from CES–GrandCare Systems hosted their weekly open webinar/conference calls from... Continue Reading

Independent Assisted Living Conference, Stirling, Scotland Oct 2009

...the reply was also a shrug. One of the consultant speakers, Lynn Blair, pointed out that an aircraft carrier takes a couple of hours to change course (not quite true), so we need to be patient. I wondered which government body she works for! Best of all was Graham Worsley of the Technology Strategy (Strategy?) Board who has a £50m budget which he wants to squander spend on one really big UK-wide trial of some sort, to be determined. No doubt backing the highly mobile and innovative aircraft carriers such as BT and IBM to develop products and services in... Continue Reading