RepTrak has a mission–quantifying reputation, brand, and ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) performance for their clients. Their product is software and algorithms that monitor real-time perception data for companies to increase reputation intelligence. A way to market themselves is to issue a Top 100 list (PDF link) of top-scoring companies primarily in mass-market and luxury brands, plus automotive, retail, financial, media and entertainment, and technology companies. Becker’s Health IT picked out health tech-related companies as follows:
Bosch (#4)
Microsoft (#10)
Philips (#13)
Google (#15)
3M (#20)
Apple (#46)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (#49)
IBM (#54)
Salesforce (#89)
Amazon (#92)
These companies in the Top 100 averaged 74.9 in Global Reputation Scores, a composite of products and services, innovation, workplace, governance, citizenship, leadership, and performance.
This Editor was surprised that Becker’s missed Samsung (#17), in medical imaging monitors, dedicated smartphones, monitors, and in many of the tablets that are used in remote patient monitoring and telehealth; LG (#67) in the same lines of business; Dell (#72) in computing, cloud, and monitors; and Honeywell (#77).
Pharma and related companies were in the lower-ranked group: Lilly (#82), Roche (#87), BristolMyers Squibb (#94), and BASF (chemicals for pharmaceuticals and vitamins).
Notably, healthcare service companies such as health plans were not included in the ranking. Are they RepTrak clients? (Do they dare?)
The top three companies? Lego, Rolex, and Ferrari. The last only before the repairs come needing replacement parts!
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