March Telecare LIN newsletter published (UK)

“March was a busy conference month with the ALIP Showcase in Liverpool and Healthcare Innovation Expo in London showcasing a range of digital technology and services including the DALLAS and 3millionlives programmes. A new NHS health apps library was announced by the NHS Commissioning Board and there were several new product announcements at the Expo. March also saw the launch of the Technology Strategy Board’s ‘Long Term Care Revolution’ and Paper 6 (of 15) from the Whole System Demonstrator Programme was published on cost-effectiveness. The NHS major changes in England begin on 1 April 2013 – 211 Clinical Commissioning Groups have been authorised and will hold £65bn of NHS budget. April to July is a busy time for conferences and events and the newsletter has a full listing including Health 2.0 in London and Manchester, the 4th Annual Conference on Telecare and Telehealth in Glasgow and the King’s Fund Congress in July.” Download the Newsletter (PDF) here. The Useful Links Supplement is available in a separate PDF.

Categories: Latest News.