Perhaps seeing a ‘job to be done’ in diagnosing sports concussions in rural areas where direct medical help can be distant, the Cleveland Clinic is now extending the usage of its Concussion Assessment System (C3) to assessing student athletes after suspect head blows. The two-year-old iPad app can be strapped on to the back of the athlete to measure movements that indicate balance problems, and assesses cognitive and motor impairment; information processing ability; attention/memory; balance and visual acuity. C3 also uses the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT2), a globally recognized protocol for evaluating concussions, as part of the assessment. Neil Versel reports that Cleveland Clinic is now trialling it at the Rock Valley Community High School in Rock Valley, Iowa, population 3,400. One wonders, with all the attention in the past few years on concussion and CTE, why this clinical app originally meant for their internal use wasn’t repurposed more quickly by the Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland Clinic extends iPad-based concussion detection to rural settings (Mobihealthnews)
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