These findings from a survey of over 2,000 US adults conducted by Harris Interactive for Health Day News included a significant sample (unspecified) of smartphone and tablet owners. In general, it reflected a growing comfort with using mobile communication for health–and a very real concern with online privacy. Interest in the former exceeded 40 percent when it came to booking appointments, asking the doctor questions, finding out test results and checking medication side effects. The highest interest in using smartphones/tablets clustered in the four segments between 18 and 49, with actually little difference between the older quadrants. High interest in tools for self-measurement are nearing the 50 percent tipping point, but weakest in real disease measurement (blood glucose, lung function). Where there’s major concern is the security of this information. The mushy middle of ‘somewhat confident’ is a high 47 percent, with 40 percent clustering on the negative side. How much of this affects adoption of mobile health is not determined. Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll
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