The video-link/ videoconferencing system used by Airedale NHS Foundation Trust in Yorkshire, [grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”150″ /]England, to provide remote medical assistance is being rolled out to additoinal care home sites. The service is staffed by a specialist nurse at Airedale General Hospital who uses the system, known as the Telehealth Hub, to assess patients and support staff at the homes.
According to the Keighley News the service was installed in a Bradford nursing home with the first use on New Year’s Eve. Staff at Ashville Care Home are quoted as saying that the service allows their residents to receive medical care without having to call a GP out or take them into hospital. A hospital visit would mean having to get extra cover as a member of staff needs to go as well.
Meanwhile the Telegraph & Argus reports the roll out to care homes in Calderdale and Huddersfield. According to the report, Airedale is working to install the system in 200 care and nursing homes this winter under the Immedicare joint venture.
We have previously reported (Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and Involve-Visual form JV to market telehealth solution, TANN England Aug 28, 2013) and wondered about where the profits of commercialisation of this NHS service will end up. What is the cost to the Airedale NHS Trust and how much of the benefit is returning to the public purse?
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