Search Results for 3millionlives

Simple Telehealth (Florence) offer to UK GPs

Norman Peters Agree about Florence. But I think you're a bit unkind to 3millionlives - Florence IS an integral part of the 3millionlives approach, providing an essential 'enabler' that will encourage clinicians to look more favourably on other telehealth solutions that are better tailored for the needs of higher dependency patients. Cathy I am unclear how the editorial comment is being unkind to 3ML ... especially since it is one CCG which is making the offer to fund another CCG as I understand it? But surely the point being made is that it is rather like Show and Tell at... Continue Reading

3ML: Discussion of future of telehealth with GP critics (UK)

Last week the GP’s publication Pulse held a ’roundtable’ discussion session on the issues for GPs around telehealth. It was funded by the 3millionlives (3ML) team, commissioned by the Department of Health (DH) 3millionlives (3ML) programme, and editorially controlled by Pulse to a brief agreed with 3ML. The 3ML contingent was headed by Paul Hitchcock who is the NHS workstream lead for 3ML at DH. If you are interested in telehealth it is worth reading for some snippets from Professor Stan Newman and the ever-sceptical GP Margaret McCartney, and for the indication of the direction for 3ML from Paul Hitchcock... Continue Reading

Telehealth Soapbox: Kiss of death for telehealth adoption in the UK?

...time in the past 10 years the backing of DH for telehealth adoption would probably have been a ‘Good Thing’. But now, in the context of deeply unpopular changes to the way the NHS is structured and the prospect of a huge funding squeeze for the foreseeable future, anything that DH or Ministers are seen to be promoting will be viewed with deep suspicion. As a result, encouragement in the form of Ministerial support for the 3millionlives initiative was bad enough, but attempting to coerce GPs is surely the kiss of death for telehealth adoption. Steve Hards 11 December 2012... Continue Reading

One Report to rule them all… (UK)

...many smack-on-the-forehead moments. Hence the need for aspirin! And if you are thinking of making a killing on the back of the 3millionlives (3ML) campaign, you may need something stronger than aspirin…the report suggests that the potential market for remote care may indeed reach 3 million – but not until 2050! The report was authored by James Barlow, Richard Curry, Theti Chrysanthaki, Jane Hendy and Nael Taher and published by the Health and Care Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC) – a collaboration between research centres at Imperial College London and the universities of Loughborough, Reading and Salford – and was... Continue Reading

3millionlives: Newsletter and video (UK)

November was a busy month for the 3millionlives (3ML) team, as reported in their November newsletter (PDF). They have also released a video, below. (7½ minutes) The video contains interviews with doctors, patients and a nurse. It was made to be shown at the Making Sense of Commissioning conference held on 27 November 2012 at the Royal College of General Practitioners, London, which may explain the focus on telehealth and the absence of any references to the contribution telecare technologies can play in supporting people at home. 3ML is also showing up alongside the Digital First initiative as one... Continue Reading

Telecare Soapbox: Who can purchasers trust? (UK)

...particularly informative. If this scheme is a genuine alternative to the TSA accreditation one would expect a dedicated site promoting it, with full details and a general fanfare of launch publicity. Option four. Give up worrying and fall into the reassuring arms of one of the major suppliers, particularly the market leader, Tunstall. The latter is on the FA, is TSA accredited and is the major player in the 3millionlives (3ML) initiative. It holds its market leader position by ticking commissioners’ boxes. Part of its marketing genius/leadership position is that it helps the commissioners decide what those boxes should be.... Continue Reading

Telecare Soapbox: Let’s deal with the inequalities of the Framework Agreement (UK)

...Government’s procurement service – but their (understandable) view is that an “approved list” offers a potential cost saving for those using the framework. The wider Innovation Health and Wealth initiative, which includes 3millionlives’ input, recognises that streamlined and efficient procurement is key to speedy implementation of innovation in the NHS. We look forward to its report in December, outlining how procurement can be changed. The replacement for the existing procurement framework needs to be much more flexible, especially in a rapidly changing technology environment such as telehealth. 3millionlives is committed to a partnership with the full range of industry, and... Continue Reading

Telehealth Soapbox: Standing firm on the argument for telehealth is vital

...medication review, self-management - with the support of cost-effective telehealth remote monitoring as appropriate. Remember, it was a 'whole system demonstrator' trial that had five broad evaluation themes that will give us a number of important pointers to how services are designed in future. The 3 Million Lives Initiative ( as well as the QIPP Programme and the NHS Mandate will provide us with a fresh opportunity and momentum to ensure that people with long term conditions can benefit from more individually tailored support services based on improved clinical and financial models that are being developed. Mike Clark (Twitter: @clarkmike)... Continue Reading

Telecare Soapbox: The Genius of Tunstall, and Close Encounters of the Hampshire Kind

...same. Then we have 3millionlives and finally DALLAS... Will these two initiatives end up as history repeating itself? - Call me a cynic, but as an independent AT specialist for the past 16 years, nothing surprises me any more. The ultimate losers in this are those who would benefit in their daily lives from genuine choices in the AT they are supplied with. Until the allocation of government funding for AT is made more equitable, that is never going to happen! UpNorthAndToTheRight Local Authorities did waste money - a lot of money. They were naive and the comissioners that were... Continue Reading