In the process of looking for interesting items to highlight on Telehealth & Telecare Aware, occasionally we trip over info that, whilst not riveting in its own right, nevertheless may be of use to readers. Here is a small selection of recent finds that we will add to – reader additions are most welcome too:
GP EU eHealth/telehealth penetration
The EU has recently published the results of a survey carried out last year on the penetration of eHealth & telehealth in GP surgeries across all EU countries (Croatia joined the EU during the survey) plus Iceland, Norway & Turkey. It comprises a very comprehensive executive summary, a full report, a series of individual country reports (44MB – beware) and a technical annex. Encouragingly it shows high adoption in the UK of EHRs though it’s no surprise the UK slips well down the ranks for things like telehealth adoption by GPs. (Giving extra weight to recent GPonline editorial calling for a change of culture by GPs regarding telehealth).
Reference to “N.H.S.” in the charts was a little confusing until I found the explanation that the provision of a national health service is one of the three types of country models that have been used for aggregating data for comparison purposes (the others being social insurance & transition countries). Interesting historical comparisons too.
Hospital EU eHealth penetration
The EU has also published a survey of eHealth use in hospitals, comprising Methodological Report, Survey Report (SMART2012/0036), Composite Indicators on eHealth Deployment and on Availability and Use of eHealth Functionalities, Country Reports for 28 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway, Synthesis of Outcomes, Micro Data (xls), and Micro Data Codification Manual (xls)
Unit cost of Health & Social Care in 2013 (UK)
In the past when I have been writing business cases, I was at times desperate for this detailed information on the unit cost of just about anything in social care and health.
National Resource for Infection Control
Another extremely valuable database is this national resource for infection control. As well as the information hosted directly on NRIC, this also gives access to other sites within the National electronic Library of Infection (NeLI) family. Hat tip to Prof Mike Short for this one.
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