WebRTC may revolutionise communications for older people – quietly and soon

Real time communications over the internet (WebRTC) already happens via applications like Skype and other messaging services but what if anyone using a web browser could just switch on their microphone and webcam and talk to someone else? The proposition that setting up the applications with their accounts and quirky interfaces is a barrier for non-techie people, particularly older ones, is quietly demolished. Care-related communications and the reduction of social isolation becomes a whole lot easier. Well, those readers using Chrome and the latest Firefox beta browsers already have that capability and a long article (6 web pages) in CIO.com speculates that other browsers (with the exception of Apple’s?) will not be far behind. With WebRTC, Real-Time Communications Come to the Browser. The article gets very techie half way through but, for the context of care, there is an important point towards the end – the WebRTC protocol requires the user to give permission for the browser to access the microphone and webcam, which will allay concerns about breaches of privacy. Hat tip to Sande Olson.

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