UKTelehealthcare’s updated event schedule

UKTelehealthcare’s new Managing Director Gerry Allmark was kind enough to advise Editor Donna of upcoming events either organized by UKTelehealthcare, or where they will be represented. His note is reproduced here with minor edits and emphases. Click their advert on the right sidebar or here, which directly links to their special About/Upcoming Event page, for more information.

Our next MarketPlace will be in Carlisle on the 1 March 2017 (registration link); this is an historic occasion for us as this is our first event in the North of England. (Information on the programme is here.)

As part of our national expansion of events and membership we plan to hold MarketPlaces in Luton, Bristol, Nottingham, Dudley and Halifax as well as a high profile London event in 2017/18.  Please see the “Coming up at a glance” section on the first page of our website (see link here) for the latest news on these events.

We will also be exhibiting at Naidex 2017 from the 28 to 30 March and at the Health + Care Show on the 28 and 29 June 2017.  At both these shows we will be offering special show price membership rates to both provider and supplier members as well as our new membership categories for Clinical Commissioning Groups, Consultants and RPI members.

In conjunction with the H + C Show we will also be expanding our successful Telehealthcare Awareness Day which we have run for the last two years to Telehealthcare Awareness Week which will run from 26 – 30 June 2017.  During this week we encourage our members and other TEC providers and suppliers to run local events to raise the profile of health technology in their areas and we will publicise these events though our social  media links and website.  A Telehealthcare Awareness Day pack / toolkit will be available on our website shortly for both members and non-members who would like to take part in this important event.

Categories: Events and Latest News.