Despite all the discussion of inexpensive apps turning everyone into ‘quantified selfers’, adoption of tracking technology is still surprisingly slight among those who are already tracking their health indicators and exercise routines. The latest report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project surveying over 3,000 Americans indicates that 69% are already tracking a health condition for themselves or a loved one, but 49% keep the information in their heads (!), 34% use paper and 21% use technology–but that can include Excel and not necessarily an app or device with attached program such as FitBit or a PHR. Among the smartphone users, 19% have downloaded a health app for exercise, diet and weight management. According to Suzannah Fox of Pew, “We’ve been looking at health apps since 2010, and health app uptake has been essentially flat for three years.” and that the low adoption continues to surprise. Most Adults Not Using Technology To Monitor Health (iHealthBeat) Pew Internet release
Laurie Orlov
Wouldn’t this seem to put a damper on the excitement over ‘mHealth’?
Donna Cusano--Editor
@ Laurie, agreed. If you are not converting those who are already tracking from ‘in the head’ and on paper to technology-based means, logically it would seem to me that there is an ‘appeal gap’ to bridge. I wish we’d spend some time sorting out this particular mystery rather than fussing with mHealth genomics, for instance. ;)