The Future of Medicine – Technology and the Role of the Doctor in 2025: May 6th

Come to this RSM/IET jointly organised event on May 6th in London for a rare glimpse of what technology may do for the role of the doctor in ten years’ time. We have a fabulous line-up of academics, clinicians and entrepreneurs who are all working on really exciting breakthroughs that will profoundly change the way healthcare is provided over the next ten years.

First off is Prof Ian Kunkler (Consultant Clinical Oncologist & Professor in Clinical Oncology at the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre) who will set the scene for the day. He will be followed by Prof Joachim Gross (Chair of Systems Neuroscience, Acting Director of  the Centre  for Cognitive Neuroimaging  and Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator, University of Glasgow) who will be discussing Magnetoencephalopathy (MEG) Signal AnalysisDr David Clifton (Lecturer, Department of Engineering Science & Computational Informatics Group, University of Oxford) will then give a talk on Real-time Patient Monitoring. Finally in this section on Signals, Prof Bill Sandham (Managing Director, Scotsig; Director, Diabetes Technology Research, HCi Viocare; Visiting Professor, University of Strathclyde & Javeriana University, Colombia) will talk on Biosignal Processing and Analysis.

After the break, the subject turns to Imaging, where there will be two speakersProf Luc Bidaut (Chair of Translational Imaging and Director of Imaging for the Centre of Oncology and Molecular Medicine (COMM), University of Dundee) talking on Translational Imaging & Image Analysis and Dr Ken Sutherland (President, Toshiba Medical Visualisation Systems) who will talk on State-of-the-art Medical Imaging.

After lunch, the topic is Devices. Proceedings begin with Prof Rachael McKendry (Professor of Biomedical Nanotechnology at UCL) talking about Biomedical Nanotechnology. This is followed by Prof Alan Murray (Head of Institute of Bioengineering, the University of Edinburgh) talking on Implantable Devices for Improving Cancer Treatment, Impact Project and Dr Luca Cozzi (Clinical Research Scientist, Humanitas Research Hospital & Scientific Advisor, Varian Medical Systems) talking about Advanced Cancer Treatment using Knowledge-based Software.

After the afternoon break, the final topic is Future Applications. Prof Gillies McKenna (Head of Department of Oncology & Director, CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology) will begin with a talk on Personalised
Healthcare and Precision Treatment, after which Dr Andy Blackwell (Chief Scientific Officer, Cambridge Cognition) will close proceedings with a talk on Cognitive Assessment Software for Assessing Central Nervous System Disorders.

The RSM & IET have jointly organised this event, taking place on May 6th will be held at the Academy of Medical Sciences, 41 Portland Place, London W1B 1QH. Book here.


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