The further adventures of the Ozcan cellphone microscope

Can your phone do this? (Armed With Science) discusses how the US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) is developing cellphone-based wide-field fluorescent imaging for pathogen detection in the field, but also mentions partnering with a team at UCLA as the developers of the clip-on microscope and a small firm called Holomic LLC for a second add-on for assay purposes. Both devices sounded familiar to this Editor, and it turns out that Dr. Ayodgan Ozcan is the common denominator–and head of the team–on both (Holomic is his spinoff commercialization company). The microscope is the LUCAS [covered since its debut in May 2010] and the assay is likely the iTube [TTA 13 Dec]. Interesting that the Army not only is pushing this forward, but also the partnership.

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