Ardent followers of Mike Clark’s newsletters will be saddened by the news that the current funding from Innovate UK, KTN Ltd and the Assisted Living Innovation Platform to support the extensive work he does to keep us all informed of important stuff has come to an end.
The Telecare LIN is therefore looking to its readers. To maintain a comprehensive monthly news summary going out to over 48,000 people, they are looking to crowdsource funding to support the website, content and hundreds of links and journal article references each month. They are currently looking for a number of organisations to support continuing production (including supplements, Twitter stream, archive) at around the £5k level per year. The news service, currently in its tenth year is recognised as an authoritative source and valuable resource in the UK and in other parts of the world working on digital health, telehealth, mHealth, telemedicine and telecare.
More details, and who to send the money to, are on the first page of the newsletter.
Mike will also be appearing in person to give one of his truly excellent presentations on the way the NHS really works at the London Health Technology Forum on 21st April. Membership, and attendance, are free thanks to the continuing generosity of Baker Botts, a leading legal firm in the energy, technology and life sciences sectors.
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