Tender up: Durham Smart County on Social Isolation

Susanne Woodman, our Eye on Tenders, has uncovered an interesting one that potentially involves telehealth.

Title: Durham Smart County – Tackling the Healthcare Causes and Consequences of Social Isolation. Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI)
Description: Durham County Council’s Corporate Management Team has signed off an innovative approach to stimulating high value economic activity in County Durham. This approach explicitly links economic development activity to delivering transformative public health outcomes: using “problems” as assets, as opportunities for innovative product and service development and catalysing the establishment of a commercial cluster in healthcare.
Coverage area: Durham and Tees Valley
Expression of interest by 31 March
Contact: Vicky Watson, email vicky.watson2@durham.gov.uk, telephone 03000 264860
Address: Durham County Hall, Durham, County Durham, DH1 5UL, UK

Categories: Latest News.