These days it seems you cannot get away from talk of innovation in the NHS – even the London Business School, this editor’s alma mater, is holding a conference on it, on 20th October. Then there’s the NHS Innovation Accelerator programme, the Accelerated Access Review (AAR), that this reviewer is involved with, the National Information Board (NIB), that this editor is also involved with, NHS Test Beds, the topic of a recent popular TTA blog, the NHS Vanguards, the NHS Pathfinders, the Integrated Care Pioneers and many others all seeking the holy grail of healthcare: improved patient outcomes, ideally at lower cost (or is that lower cost ideally with improved patient outcomes?).
If all this is too much and you have lost your way, the Royal Society of Medicine & NHS Innovations South West (NISW) have the solution: a conference entitled The innovator’s roadmap: from idea to reality on 19th November. It is designed as being a “one-day seminar on practical ways to innovate successfully”, drawing on content delivered by NISW to delegates from 80 NHS organisations to date. As they say, innovation can come from anyone, anywhere in the system. This event is considered to be appropriate for those “clinical entrepreneurs looking to progress a technology innovation project through to those who are now expected to innovate as part of national better care model change programmes such as the Vanguard sites” (and presumably all the other initiatives mentioned above too). This session will apparently provide attendees with core innovation theory and best practice techniques, as well as sharing of “real-life” examples and lessons learned.
And it’s rather cheaper then the London Business School too if you book now, here.
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